What updates have been made to the Code?
The Code is a living document and will continue to adapt and evolve after the major revision of 2022. The key changes within this full and comprehensive review include:
- new sections in the Principles, Ethics and Rights chapter on First Nations, Access Rights for d/Deaf and Disabled People, Racial Equity and Representation, Gender Equity, Equitable Application Processes, Freedom of Expression, Climate Adaptation and Environmental Action, Emergency Response and Disaster Preparedness, Community Engagement, Social Media, and Grievance and Dispute Resolution
- new sections throughout the Code on Artist Run Initiatives (ARIs), Working with First Nations Art Centres, Touring Exhibitions, Festivals, Funding and Sponsorship, and Education and Workshops
- greater support for Access Rights, Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) and other specific considerations for working with First Nations practitioners embedded throughout and
- a full revision to Payment Standards for artists and arts workers